What is ZeroGPT?
ZeroGPT functions as an AI detection tool, primarily aimed at identifying content generated by various AI models including ChatGPT and Gemini. This tool assists users with insights into the origin of text, confirming whether the content stems from an AI source or human creation.

How does the AI detection process work?
The detection process of ZeroGPT relies on its proprietary DeepAnalyse™ Technology. The technology employs a multi-stage methodology for text evaluation. It analyzes linguistic patterns and integrates data from diverse sources. This approach is designed to maximize accuracy in identifying AI-generated content while aiming to reduce instances of false positives and negatives.

Is there a limit on the text length that can be checked?
Yes, ZeroGPT has specific limits on text length submissions. Users can submit up to 15,000 characters in a single check. For users needing to evaluate larger datasets, premium plans are available, which allow text submissions of up to 100,000 characters.

What features does ZeroGPT provide apart from AI detection?
In addition to AI detection, ZeroGPT includes several supplemental features, such as:

  • Grammar checking
  • Text summarization
  • Paraphrasing
  • Translation
  • Citation generation
  • AI email assistance

These tools are designed to support users in enhancing their writing skills and completing various writing-related tasks.

Can ZeroGPT support multiple languages?
Indeed, ZeroGPT offers support for all languages. The tool's detection capability maintains a high accuracy rate across different languages, making it suitable for a diverse range of users operating in various linguistic contexts.