AI Content Detector and ChatGPT Detector, simple way with High Accuracy. AI Checker & AI Detector Free for AI GPT Plagiarism by ZeroGPT.


Tags: Content Generation & SEOChat BotWriting Assistant
Free: Yes
Last Updated: 2024-07-25 16:17:21

ZeroGPT Description

ZeroGPT is an advanced AI detection tool designed to identify and analyze content generated by models like ChatGPT and Gemini. Its primary audience includes content creators, educators, researchers, and organizations that require accurate verification of text origin. With features like high-accuracy AI detection, users can easily determine whether text is AI-generated by examining highlighted sentences alongside a percentage gauge reflecting AI influence.

The tool employs innovative DeepAnalyse™ Technology, which consists of a multi-stage methodology for optimization, ensuring that users experience minimal false positives or negatives. Furthermore, ZeroGPT supports an extensive array of languages, making it versatile for diverse global users.

Alongside AI detection, ZeroGPT provides additional functionalities such as an AI Summarizer, Paraphraser, and Grammar Checker, catering to various writing needs. The platform not only ensures content authenticity but also enhances writing quality through robust tools available on its user-friendly interface. Organizations seeking API integration can benefit from seamless access to ZeroGPT’s features, streamlining their workflow while ensuring precision in AI content detection.

ZeroGPT Top Features

ZeroGPT serves as an advanced AI content detection tool designed for managing and verifying text generated by AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Gemini. By employing in-depth analysis methodologies, it provides users with robust capabilities for ensuring the authenticity of their written content.

AI Content Detection
This feature allows users to detect whether text has been generated by AI. ZeroGPT highlights AI-generated sentences and provides a gauge indicating the percentage of AI content present in the text, aiding individuals in identifying any potential issues regarding originality.

Batch File Upload
Users can upload multiple files simultaneously for analysis. This feature streamlines the checking process, allowing for efficient handling of several documents without needing to analyze them one at a time.

Generated Report
Upon completion of detection, ZeroGPT automatically generates a PDF report detailing the findings. This report serves as evidence of the content's authenticity and can be utilized for academic purposes or professional documentation.

DeepAnalyse™ Technology
ZeroGPT employs DeepAnalyse™ Technology, a sophisticated multi-stage approach designed to optimize accuracy in detecting AI-generated content. It integrates machine learning methodologies and a vast array of training data, enhancing its capability to distinguish between text generated by humans and AI models.

Multi-Language Support
The tool supports various languages, allowing for global accessibility and accuracy. This feature ensures that users can rely on ZeroGPT whether they are working with content in English, French, German, Spanish, or other languages—a significant advantage for diverse audiences.

Overall, ZeroGPT provides essential tools for anyone seeking to ascertain the authenticity of their text content while offering efficiency and clarity in the process.


What is ZeroGPT?
ZeroGPT is an AI detection tool that specializes in identifying content generated by various AI models, including ChatGPT and Gemini. It provides insights into the origin of text, helping users verify if the content is AI-written or human-crafted.

How does the AI detection process work?
ZeroGPT employs DeepAnalyse™ Technology, which utilizes a multi-stage methodology to assess and analyze text. This includes evaluating linguistic patterns and data from a range of sources. The tool aims for high accuracy in detecting AI-generated content while so minimizing false positives and negatives.

Is there a limit on the text length that can be checked?
Yes, users can check up to 15,000 characters per submission. For more extensive texts, ZeroGPT offers premium plans, allowing submissions of up to 100,000 characters.

What features does ZeroGPT provide apart from AI detection?
ZeroGPT offers multiple features, including a grammar checker, summarizer, paraphraser, translator, citation generator, and an AI email helper. Each of these tools is designed to enhance writing skills and assist in various writing tasks.

Can ZeroGPT support multiple languages?
Yes, ZeroGPT supports all languages, providing detection with a high accuracy rate. This makes it a versatile tool for users globally who need to work across different languages and contexts.