Scispace Description

SciSpace functions as a powerful AI-powered platform intended for researchers and academics engaging with scientific literature. Its features are tailored to improve the workflow and productivity of users, especially those involved in complex academic tasks.

Key Features

  • Literature Review Notebook: Users can concurrently manage and organize their literature reviews, categorizing and referencing studies relevant to their research topics.

  • Citation Generator: This feature simplifies the preparation of references by automatically formatting citations in a variety of styles, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

  • Paraphraser and AI Detector: The paraphrasing tool assists researchers in rephrasing content for originality, while the AI detector checks the authenticity of written work against potential plagiarism.

Copilot Feature

The Copilot feature is integral to the SciSpace experience. It allows users to upload scientific PDFs where they can highlight difficult sections. The tool then provides simplified explanations of those highlighted areas, making the understanding of complex academic language more straightforward. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who may be new to dense academic texts or those operating outside their primary field of expertise.

Target Audience

Designed specifically for PhD students, researchers, and scholars, SciSpace tackles the common obstacles faced in the comprehension of intricate academic works. The AI algorithms employed streamline the process of interpreting and utilizing scholarly communication efficiently.

AI-Driven Insights

SciSpace employs advanced machine learning techniques, ultimately enhancing the research experience. It aids in saving time while also increasing the quality of outputs. The ability to explore related research extends the user's understanding beyond single papers and topics.


The platform caters to various academic needs, whether it’s conducting comprehensive literature reviews or managing citations. The ease of interaction with PDF documents, coupled with the feature to extract data or clarify topics, positions SciSpace as a functional tool in academic settings.


In summary, SciSpace is structured to support users through various phases of their research. Its suite of tools provides actionable resources without the embellishment often found in marketing language, ensuring that expectations align with functionalities.