Chat with PDF and conduct your literature review faster using SciSpace. Discover 200M+ papers or upload your own PDF, highlight text or ask questions, and extract explanations and summaries.


Tags: Education & LearningResearch AssistantWriting Assistant
Free: Yes
Last Updated: 2024-07-25 17:13:46

Scispace Description

SciSpace is an advanced AI-powered tool designed specifically for researchers and academics dealing with scientific papers. This platform serves as both a search engine and an assistant, offering features such as a literature review notebook, a citation generator, and a paraphraser to enhance research productivity. Researchers can seamlessly interact with PDF documents, extracting data or requesting clarifications on complex topics. With the Copilot feature, users can upload their files, highlight difficult sections, and receive simplified explanations, making it easier to grasp intricate concepts.

Ideal for PhD students, researchers, and scholars, SciSpace addresses the perennial challenge of understanding dense academic texts. It leverages advanced AI algorithms to refine and clarify complex terminologies, making scholarly communication more accessible. Furthermore, with its citation booster, it streamlines the process of referencing sources, ensuring compliance with various citation styles. The tool also offers insights into related research, enabling a comprehensive understanding of any given topic.

Incorporating state-of-the-art machine learning, SciSpace optimizes the research experience, aiming to save users time while elevating the quality of their work. Whether delving into literature reviews or crafting citations, SciSpace stands as a reliable companion on the academic journey.

Scispace Top Features

SciSpace is an AI-powered platform designed to assist researchers in comprehending and interacting with academic literature more efficiently. By leveraging artificial intelligence, SciSpace simplifies complex scientific texts and accelerates the research process, enabling users to focus on critical insights without getting overwhelmed by technical jargon or intricate details.


  1. Chat with PDF: This feature allows users to upload PDF documents and engage in a conversation with the content. Users can highlight specific sections of the document and receive explanations in simpler language, making it easier to grasp complex concepts or methodologies.

  2. Literature Review Notebook: This tool helps researchers organize their literature reviews systematically. It enables users to take notes, categorize, and summarize relevant research findings all in one place, streamlining the documentation and reference process.

  3. Citation Generator: This function automatically creates citations in various styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. It saves users time and effort when compiling bibliographies and ensures that citations are formatted correctly.

  4. Paraphraser: The paraphrasing feature assists users in rewording or condensing text excerpts. This can be useful for avoiding plagiarism and creating unique narratives while maintaining the original context of the information.

  5. AI Detector: This feature helps identify AI-generated content within the uploaded documents. By providing insight into the originality of the text, it ensures the integrity of research submissions and academic integrity.

With the integration of these features, SciSpace aims to enhance the overall research experience, making it more accessible and efficient for users across various backgrounds and expertise levels.

Scispace FAQs

What is SciSpace?
SciSpace is an AI-powered platform designed to help researchers and students understand academic papers more efficiently. It provides tools to simplify complex texts, enabling users to extract key information quickly without the need for extensive reading.

How does SciSpace assist with academic papers?
Users can upload their PDF documents, highlight sections they need clarification on, and receive simplified explanations. This feature allows users to digest complicated scientific concepts more easily, facilitating better comprehension of the material.

What features does SciSpace offer?
SciSpace includes various functionalities such as a citation generator, paraphraser, and an AI detector. These tools assist users in managing their research work, from properly citing sources to checking the originality of their content.

Can SciSpace be used for collaborative work?
Yes. SciSpace is designed to enhance collaborative efforts. Users can share documents and insights with other researchers, making it easier to discuss findings and improve overall research quality.

Is there any support available for SciSpace users?
Customers can reach out for support via the contact information provided on the platform. This includes help with technical issues or inquiries about using the various features effectively.