Ariglad Top Features

Ariglad: Main Features

1. Auto Update Knowledge Base Articles:
Ariglad utilizes AI to analyze support tickets, which enables it to automatically update and create knowledge base articles. This feature ensures that the help center remains current and minimizes the need for manual intervention in maintaining the content.

2. Integration with Communication Platforms:
The platform seamlessly integrates with popular systems like Zendesk and Slack. It analyzes data from these communication platforms to provide relevant updates and suggestions for the knowledge base, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of the support content.

3. AI Suggestions for Knowledge Base:
Ariglad offers AI-driven suggestions for both new and updated articles. Users can review these suggestions and approve them for auto-publishing. This streamlines the process of maintaining the knowledge base, making it more efficient and less burdensome.

4. Secure and Compliant:
Ariglad ensures high levels of security and compliance, being SOC2 and GDPR compliant. This guarantees that user data is handled with utmost care and meets stringent security and privacy standards.

5. Easy to Get Started:
Ariglad provides a free trial to demonstrate its capabilities with real data. Additionally, the platform offers a demo to show how it can specifically benefit a team's operations, facilitating easy integration and adoption.