Zenquiz.app Top Features

Zenquiz.app provides a streamlined platform for converting study materials into customizable quizzes, designed to aid students in exam preparation. The service leverages artificial intelligence to make the transformation of notes and documents into structured quizzes efficient.

Text Upload and Import
Users can upload various document formats, including Word and PDF files, into the quiz maker. This function allows for direct conversion of existing materials into quizzes, ensuring comprehensive coverage of relevant topics.

Custom Quiz Generation
The platform facilitates the creation of multiple question types, such as multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank. This diversity in question format addresses different learning preferences, promoting engagement and reinforcing knowledge retention.

Import from Notion and Google Drive
Zenquiz offers functionality for importing notes directly from widely used tools like Notion and Google Drive. The process involves secure account access, creating a smooth experience that enables quick material retrieval.

Learning Style Adaptation
The AI system proposes quizzes that reflect the individual learning styles of users. By personalizing the assessments, the platform aims to improve memory retention and optimize study efficiency.

Straightforward Pricing Model
Zenquiz operates on a credit-based pricing system, where users purchase credits corresponding to the quizzes generated. This model is designed to avoid hidden fees and subscriptions, allowing users to manage expenditures more effectively while focusing on their educational goals.