Widgera Top Features

Key Features of Widgera

Create Mobile App
Create and publish a mobile app on the App Store and Play Store. Users can drag and drop functionalities such as eShop, Booking, and Events, equipped with built-in payments. This feature simplifies the development process, making it accessible for users without coding skills. The built-in payment integration ensures a seamless transaction experience for end-users, enhancing the overall app functionality.

Ultimate Customisation
Provides powerful customization options from a simple panel. Users can easily tailor layout, features, colors, themes, and pop-up styles to suit their preferences. This level of customization ensures that each app or website reflects the unique brand identity of the user. The intuitive interface allows for quick adjustments, enabling users to create a polished final product without extensive technical knowledge.

Effortless Website Creation
Allows users to create a website without any coding or design skills. It’s fast and simple, making it ideal for startups and individuals looking to create a digital presence quickly. The drag-and-drop interface streamlines the design process, allowing for the inclusion of various functionalities and design elements with minimal effort. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who need to establish an online presence swiftly without compromising on quality.

Dynamic Interface Personalization
Utilizes dynamic interface personalization to tailor content based on user behavior. This ensures that every interaction is unique and engaging, enhancing the user experience. By analyzing user interactions and preferences, Widgera adjusts the content and layout to provide a more personalized experience. This can lead to higher user satisfaction and engagement rates, as the platform feels more responsive and relevant to individual users.

Alpha Phase Free Access
During the Alpha phase, Widgera is available as a free platform with demo features. This allows users to try out the features before the platform transitions to a fixed pricing model. The free access during this phase provides an opportunity for users to explore the platform's capabilities and assess its suitability for their needs without any financial commitment. This trial period is valuable for gathering user feedback and making necessary improvements before the full launch.