UseShorts Top Features

Automatic Clip Generation
UseShorts continuously monitors the connected YouTube channel, detecting when new videos are uploaded, and automatically generating clips from those longer videos. This functionality minimizes the need for manual editing and clipping, which can be time-consuming for content creators.

Scheduled Posting
The platform is designed to handle the posting schedule automatically. Based on the chosen subscription plan, UseShorts can post clips as often as twice daily. This ensures that content is distributed consistently, aiding in maintaining audience engagement.

Active Speaker Detection
A notable feature of UseShorts is its ability to recognize the active speaker in the video. Generated clips are adjusted to keep the focus on the speaker, which can improve viewer retention by creating a more engaging viewing experience.

Automatic Subtitle Integration
Subtitles are seamlessly integrated into all clips, and this feature supports a total of 16 languages, including English, Hindi, and Spanish. This capability significantly expands the reach of the content, catering to a wider audience base.

Email Notifications
Content creators are kept informed through email notifications whenever new clips are scheduled for posting. This feature allows users to review the clips prior to publication, providing an opportunity to verify that the content aligns with their expectations and quality standards.

User Plans and Pricing
Different subscription options are available. The Starter plan allows for automatic clipping and posting every second day at $19 per month, while the Growth plan offers daily posts for $29 per month. The Double Growth plan, priced at $49 per month, enables two posts per day, facilitating the highest output of clips. Each plan corresponds to a specific number of clips generated and posted monthly.

Usage and Recommendations
It is beneficial for channels with a backlog of video content, as it allows users to maintain an active online presence without needing additional time to create new content. User testimonials indicate positive experiences, often noting increased viewership and subscriber growth.

Overall, UseShorts provides an organized and efficient way to manage video content, enabling creators to concentrate on the production of longer videos without the additional burden of managing short-form content.