Instantly FAQs

What is Instantly?
Instantly is a sales engagement and lead intelligence platform that leverages AI to automate and optimize email outreach efforts. The tool offers capabilities such as automated email campaigns, deliverability management, and an integrated CRM system. Users can efficiently handle multiple email accounts, perform lead validation, and monitor campaign performance.

How does Instantly improve email deliverability?
Instantly enhances email deliverability by utilizing an extensive network of over 1 million real human accounts. This network interacts with sent emails, improving the sender's reputation and reducing the likelihood of emails being classified as spam. This approach helps maintain high inbox placement rates.

What is the Campaign Builder, and how does it work?
The Campaign Builder in Instantly is a feature that allows users to design and execute email campaigns. It supports the use of variables, sequences, and smart scheduling. This tool facilitates automation and personalization of email content, aiming to increase engagement and effectiveness of outreach campaigns.

How does Instantly handle email validation?
Instantly includes tools for email validation and bulk domain testing. These features ensure that lead lists are accurate and that email domains are correctly configured. This process helps reduce bounce rates and confirms that emails are directed to valid addresses.

Can Instantly manage multiple inboxes?
Instantly offers a feature called Unibox for managing multiple inboxes within a single interface. Users can oversee and handle numerous email accounts, mark leads, and respond to messages from one centralized inbox. This functionality simplifies the management of multiple email accounts.