Cohesive FAQs

Cohesive AI and Its Main Functionalities
Cohesive AI integrates web scraping and AI enrichment services within Google Sheets. This enables users to quickly scrape data from various sites like Google and LinkedIn. Additionally, the platform offers tools for data analysis and personalizations, allowing users to leverage AI capabilities effectively.

How Users Can Start with Cohesive AI
Users can initiate their journey with Cohesive AI for free. The platform provides access to its functionalities without any initial expenses. There are also options for a fully managed service, catering to those who prefer a more hands-off approach.

Community Support Feature
Cohesive AI has established a Slack community where users can seek assistance, share experiences, and find advice. This community can be particularly useful for troubleshooting issues or discovering best practices in utilizing the platform.

Data Scraping Capabilities
Users can scrape data from a variety of websites, covering social media and professional networking, in addition to conventional search engines. This offers a comprehensive data-gathering capability tailored to specific business requirements.

Email Validation Feature
Cohesive AI incorporates an email finding and validation feature using ZeroBounce. This functionality aims to ensure that contact emails collected are both accurate and valid. By doing so, it reduces the likelihood of outreach resulting in unsuccessful connections, enhancing the effectiveness of user communication efforts.