Casetext Top Features

CoCounsel, developed by Casetext, is a professional-grade GenAI legal assistant designed to streamline various aspects of legal practice. It offers several functionalities aimed at enhancing the efficiency of legal professionals, from solo practitioners to large firms and in-house legal teams.


Fast-Track Deposition Prep
Users can input details about the deponent and the case at hand. CoCounsel generates relevant topics and suggests targeted questions for deposition preparation, allowing users to prepare efficiently and thoroughly.

Document Review Assistance
CoCounsel helps in identifying critical documents within contract databases and key information during the discovery phase. This feature enhances the precision and recall of relevant documents and may reduce review costs by streamlining the process.

Automated Contract Revision
By uploading contracts and specifying applicable policies, CoCounsel identifies relevant clauses, detects conflicts, and assesses risks. It then suggests revisions to ensure that contracts comply with the given policies, simplifying the revision process.

Legal Research Memo Generation
Users can input legal questions along with contextual details such as jurisdiction and area of law. CoCounsel conducts detailed legal research and produces a comprehensive memo with explanations and supportive sources, aiding in the formulation of well-supported legal arguments.

Summary of Documents
Users can upload documents, including legal memos and contracts, to receive straightforward summaries in plain language. This functionality helps in quickly grasping the content of extensive legal documents, supporting efficient practice.

CoCounsel aims to support legal professionals by automating routine tasks, providing critical insights, and improving overall workflow efficiency.